Numerology Energy of Your Name
Believe it or Not, but a Small Change in your Name can positively change your Life (Many Celebrates, Politicians, Yoga Guru are live examples). Our First Name is the ‘ Foundation of our Life ’. A Numerology reading from your name alone, can describe your heart’s center, your values & personality. Your name is a very personal symbol that can not be separate from you. Your first name affects your personal & professional life and has the strongest influence on your personality. As per Numerology, every alphabet is related to a respective number, and these numbers have their own particular energies, vibrations and traits & create a very unique and significance energy & vibration once came in the form of Name and impact every aspect of Life. When you use an abbreviated form of your name, the energy of your name changes accordingly. If you change your name you call in new lessons that correspond with the new vibration & energy that can positive or negative. ...